Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Next Conference Call

Greetings All

We have the majority of committee members available to participate on a follow up OTA honor Society Development conference call on

Thursday, August 20th at 4:00 pm.

At this time everyone should have received several comments emails sharing OTA program information and preferences on development of Option I, II and III. Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts. In addition I have provided a list of all participants and your committee assignment. I have also include your contact information so that you can get started as smaller groups. It might be a good ideas to assign one member from each committee to serve as the "spokesperson or chair" for the group. Please make sure that individual can be available to report your group work during the call. Also I would appreciate hearing from you if you are the designated chair. Good Luck and please let me know how I can continue to support you all in this process.

Please place August 20 at 4:00pm on your calendar. As we get closer to the date of the call please expect an agenda and confrence call dial in - instrucitons via email.


Jessica Halterman, AOTF



The comments below are directly copied responses sent to Jessica Halterman following the first conference call for the planning of the first OTA Honor Society. They have been posted here for convenience and archival purposes. Additional comments are encouraged.

As subcommittees begin their work, we are happy to facilitate the posting of specific threads for the subcommittees. This will help to focus comments around specific areas, including structure, standards, naming, governance and recruitment/induction of founding members.